Monday 14 February 2011

risk assesment

created a calendar to organise your time

10/02/2011- Finish off all research and planning of my magazine

11/02/2011- Finished all research and planning of my magazine

12/02/2011- Organise the photo shoot

13/02/2011- Finish taking all photos

14/02/2011- Select and edit photos

15/02/2011- Finish the magazine front cover

draft of article

produce a reader profile

Monday 7 February 2011

draw a mock up of each page

These are basic mock ups of my magazine, the front page, the contents page and an article mock.

This contains all the elements of a front cover, it has the dominant image, the masthead, the side line, the kickers etc

****NB******* sales figures of NME are 34,000 

planning a photoshoot

my group meet up on Tuesdays and Thursdays at a recording studio the photo shoot will take place here.