Monday 31 January 2011

Planning- Equipment and technologies which will be used

In this section of my blog I will discuss the technologies and other equipment that I will be using. The first and most obvious is the digital camera, this will be used to take my own photos so I am not in breach of any copyrights, it will also allow me to upload the image onto my computer straight from the camera without any complicated processes which I would have to go through with a film camera. I am planning on taking all of my images portrait so that I do need to crop and resize the image as this would waste time, also I will mainly be interested in taking pictures of the upper torso only, however I am unsure as to wether I should take a picture of the group as a whole or wether to take a picture of each other separately and merge them together to look like one image. I will also be using a program called adobe photoshop to brush up and edit all images that I will be taking i.e. cropping, air brushing, changing lighting, adding shadows etc. I will then go onto use a program called Adobe in design to position a create all of the pages within the magazine. Probably the most important tool I will be using is the internet for finding out information and tutorials for the programs as well as other key research within this project. I may also use the studio within college as they have a 3 point lighting system which will allow my images to look as clear and sharp as possible    (also need to add what its function is)

in design
other music magazines
lighting equipment (studio)

write around this frame of equipment and software

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