Monday 17 January 2011

Preliminary Task - front cover

Front cover

For this task I had to create a magazine front cover which would be appropriate for a college magazine. We started the task by going out in a small group of friends taking pictures of each other in a medium shot, this allowed space for editing and it was found that most other magazines concentrated on the upper torso. I didnt specifically go out with any initial ideas however when my friend posed, the idea of an intellectual magazine for the high achievers in college came to mind. The first criticism I could make about this task would be the fact that the image is too small and there is a bit too much head room so to speak, I could have over come this by copping the image and enlarging it.The second would be that the background is not in anyway related to the theme and looks rather "scruffy", this could be overcome again by cropping the image and having a plain or themed background. there was also unused space in the advertisement bubble and the bottom strap line. the side line is also bordered which makes the text look as though it is out of place again I could have removed the border and this would allow for a more spacious side line and the text should fit nicely. the shapes which I used also appear quite primary and also matched with the primary colours dot help the front cover in any way, this could be overcome by incorporating the text and shapes in a more professional/effective manner, for example the yellow circle could be made smaller to accommodate the text more comfortably and the shape itself could be made more adventurous, this could be accomplished by editing in adobe photo shop or i could leave it the same and add more text however this might carry the possibility of cramping the page.

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